Ring footage shows what are believed to be Joselyn Toaquiza’s last moments alive, as well as the suspect carrying her body out of the home he rented for her 21st birthday … just as police drive by.
Joselyn Toaquiza hoped to celebrate her 21st birthday at an Airbnb her longtime friend Jhon Chacaguasay-Ilbis rented for the festivities. Instead, the “unimaginable” and “inexplicable” happened — with the birthday girl having the life choked out of her, before her body was dumped in a park.
“I feel really bad and ashamed for this situation that I caused, for ignoring my principles and values. I understand and I respect your pain. I acknowledge the damage and I’m responsible for my actions,” he said. “I regret everything and I wholeheartedly ask for your forgiveness. I wasn’t conscious about what I did.”
In a letter read to the court by Toaquiza’s father at the sentencing hearing, he wrote, “I am devastated by your departure my princess.”
Toaquiza’s Death
Chacaguasay-Ilbis went to Syracuse from Baltimore in June 2024 to celebrate Toaquiza’s 21st birthday.
He had allegedly rented an Airbnb for them to celebrate together and, per an earlier report from Syracuse.com, bought her a cake, sneakers and wine bottles with “I love you” written on them for the occasion.