I’m Britain’s most tattooed mother, I can’t give my children Christmas dinner as supermarket staff are too scared of me

A mother who claims to be the UK’s most tattooed is worried she might not have a Christmas dinner for her children – because her ink scares supermarket staff….


You won’t believe this amazing facts about coke 1. It relief feverish condition in children. 1. It gives instant Energy. 2. It is use in feeding plants….

The One Guest Johnny Carson Couldn’t Stand

In the realm of late-night television, Johnny Carson’s illustrious career stands out. Born in 1925, Carson’s journey from humble beginnings to becoming the king of late-night TV…

A little girl and boy

A little girl and boy are fighting about the differences between the sexes, and which one is better. Finally, the boy drops his pants and says, “Here’s…

The 52-year-old model showed how her monstrous curves look in a swimsuit

Allegra Cole first tried herself as a model when she was 30 years old. At that time, the woman looked completely different than today. However, having started…